What's New


Clinic News

welcome Urologist: Dr Brian HO

We are pleased to announce the commencement of Dr Brian HO, who is a specialist in Urology, at our clinic starting from Mar 10th . Dr HO is experienced in various urological disciplines and provides holistic and personalized care to patients.  He serves on the editorial board of the Hong Kong Medical Journal and has been the honorary secretary of the Hong Kong Urological Association since July 2024.  Click here for the biography of Dr HO

For further enquiries or appointment booking, please contact us at +852 2521 6830, or via our online form.



Clinic News

Special opening hours for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year 2024

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, our Clinic will close between 10 to 13 February 2024 (Sat -Tue). Please note the change of clinic hours on the following dates:

Friday 9 February 2024 – CLOSE

Monday, Tuesday 12-13 February 2024 – CLOSE

Wednesday, 14 February 2024 – Resume Services

. For further enquiries or appointment booking, please get in touch with us at +852 2521 6830 or email info@asiamedical.hk.




Clinic News

Special opening hours for Christmas and New Year

To celebrate Christmas and  New Year, our Central clinic will close between Christmas and New Year holiday.  Please refer to the following:


  • Closed between 23 to 26 December 2023 (Saturday-Tuesday)  
  • Resume services on 27 December (Wednesday)

New Year:

  • Closed between 30 December - 1 January (Saturday-Monday)
  • Resume services on 2 January (Tuesday)

For further enquiries or appointment booking, don't hesitate to call us at +852 2521 6830, whatsapp, or via our online form.

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous Chinese New Year! 



Media Interviews

Media interview: Dr Bobby NG, our orthopaedic surgeon, talked about Hunchback with patient sharing

Our orthopaedic surgeon Dr Bobby NG, talked about Hunchback (Kyphosis) in a media interview with patients sharing. The interview is published on HK01 (only the Chinese version is available).


Clinic News

The medical seminar hosted by Asia Medical Specialists was successfully completed on 26th September 2023

Our medical seminar on "common upper limb nerve problems" and "robotic-arm assisted surgery" was successfully completed on 26 September 2023 (Tue). The seminar received a warm response, with over 300 doctors, physiotherapists, and healthcare professionals attending both the online and in-person sessions. Thank you, Dr. Athena Au and Dr. HT Chow, for presenting. Some event highlights will be available on LinkedInFacebook and Instagram, and you are welcome to like and follow our page to connect with us.

We host medical seminars in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Macau for healthcare professionals. You are welcome to contact us and subscribe to receive future event updates. For further enquiries, please contact us at +852 2521 6830.



Media Interviews

Media interview: Dr Jason Brockwell, our orthopaedic surgeon, talked about BHR with patient sharings at the Matilda Hospital

Our orthopaedic surgeon Dr Jason Brockwell talked about Birmingham Replacement Sugery in a media interview with patients sharing. The interview is published on different media including Sky Post, Oriental Daily News, AM730, Line Today, Yahoo News (only the Chinese version is available).

For further enquiries or appointment booking, please contact us at +852 2521 6830 or via our online form.

Press Release

20 Years Anniversary of Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) in Hong Kong

484 People Received Surgery: "I Am Able to Play Extreme Sport with my Replacement after Recovery"

(6th July 2023, Hong Kong) - Every year, about a thousand individuals in Hong Kong have their hips replaced, primarily caused by avascular necrosis (AVN) or osteoarthritis. Both the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) and conventional total hip replacement (THR) surgeries, provide patients with the ability to lead a normal life. The majority of BHR and THR patients experience freedom from pain, are able to engage in exercise and sports, and can expect their hip replacement to last a lifetime. However, BHR has shown higher successful rates among active young men.

Hip Joint Surgery “Designated” for Active Young Men

BHR as the best-performing surgery for active young men, which is an alternative to THR, was developed by Dr Derek McMinn and introduced in 1996. It aims to address the limitations of THR, which is less successful in active young men due to the increased load placed on the prosthetic hip joint, BHR has proven to be successful in this regard. For men up to 55 years old with osteoarthritis, BHR is the most effective hip replacement option in terms of functionality (allowing them to return to impact sports and completely unrestricted activity) and longevity - most are working well even after 25 years and expected to last indefinitely. A prominent example is tennis player Andy Murray, who underwent BHR surgery and has successfully made a comeback to top-level tennis. His experience is not uncommon, as the majority of BHR patients are very active individuals who are able to resume sports at a similar or even higher level than before their operation.

BHR - 484 Cases in 20 Years with More Than 97% Well-functioning in the Past 100 Cases

BHR was firstly introduced to Hong Kong in 2003. The first local case was performed at Matilda International Hospital (MIH) on 27 May 2003 by orthopaedic surgeon Dr Jason Brockwell. Over the last 20 years, Dr Brockwell has performed 484 BHRs at MIH. Patients might come to Hong Kong from overseas for BHR as it is not widely available in Asia, including mainland China. Out of the last 100 cases, 97 have well-functioning BHRs and 3 had to be converted to THRs because of loose acetabular cups – two during the original hospital admission and one after one year. Most patients are highly active playing various sports, including extreme sports, such as rock climbing, martial arts and heli-skiing. Jim Robinson, one of the first batch patients who received BHR in 2003, is a passionate ice hockey enthusiast. He was only 49 when he had his surgery, and he is now 68. “My BHR gave me back my sporting mojo, and a new lease on pain-free life. My BHR is still going strong 20 years later.” Stanley Chan was only 38 when he had his surgery in 2014. He is a badminton lover and keen hiker. “Before the BHR, I had problems even with simple jogging. After the surgery and recovery, I could play badminton and go hiking again. Nine years later, my joints are still problem-free. I am satisfied with the outcome of the surgery.”

Hip Surgery - The Last Resort to Get Rid of Hip Pains

In men, most hip arthritis cases result from sports activities, particularly those involving frequent kicking and lunging, such as squash, football, or martial arts. Hip arthritis in young women is often linked to a condition called 'dysplasia,' where the hips did not form properly. In older women, a combination of factors such as dysplasia, primary osteoarthritis (the cause of which is still uncertain), and sports-related issues can contribute to hip problems. However, there are a lot of ways helping people to maintain good hip health and reduce hip pains instead of hip surgery, hip surgery is always the last resort. Dr Jason Brockwell has made some suggestions to the public as follows:

  • Maintain Healthy Lifestyle and Dietary - One should avoid the use of steroids in drugs, including TCM, as they can potentially cause Avascular Necrosis. Additionally, regular stretching exercises are good to hip.
  • Proper Maintenance of the joint - For individuals concerned about joint health, considering the use of Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements is recommended. They are the only supplements with scientific evidence supporting their effectiveness on helping joints. 


Deciding on Hip surgery

The presence of persistent pain and disability are crucial factors to consider whether to receive surgeries or not, if the pain becomes severe and starts hindering daily activities such as exercise or work, it may be an indication that a hip operation is required. Prior to undergoing surgery, it is recommended to wearing soft shoes and engaging in regular stretching exercises. Additionally, taking Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements, avoiding sports involving frequent kicking and lunging, and using safe painkillers such as paracetamol or anti-inflammatories can also help.


Media Interviews

Dr Athena Au, our orthopaedic surgeon, talked about carpel tunnel syndrome's cause, prevention and treatments on ViuTV (2 Jul)

Our orthopaedic surgeon Dr Athena Au talked about carpel tunnel syndrome, its cause, prevention and treatment, and tackled some common myths on ViuTV (12 Jul 2023). Please click here to view the entire show (only the Chinese version is available).

For further enquiries or appointment booking, please get in touch with us at +852 2521 6830 or via our online form.


Media Interviews

French Open 2023 interview series: Dr Kelvin TAM, our orthopaedic surgeon, talked about knee injury and prevention for tennis player in the HK01 (14 Jun)

Our orthopaedic surgeon Dr Kelvin Tam talked about knee injury and prevention for tennis player in the HK01 (14 June 2023). Please click here or "Download PDF" to view the full article (only the Chinese version is available).

For further enquiries or appointment booking, please get in touch with us at +852 2521 6830 or via our online form.

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Media Interviews

French Open 2023 interview series: Dr Kelvin TAM, our orthopaedic surgeon, talked about rotator cuff injury of foot and prevention in the HK01 (10 Jun)

Our orthopaedic surgeon Dr Kelvin Tam talked about rotator cuff injury and prevention in the HK01 (10 June 2023). Please click here or "Download PDF" to view the full article (only the Chinese version is available).

For further enquiries or appointment booking, please get in touch with us at +852 2521 6830 or via our online form.

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Media Interviews

French Open 2023 interview series: Dr SW Kong, our orthopaedic surgeon, talked about stress fracture of foot and prevention in the HK01 (6 Jun)

Our orthopaedic surgeon Dr SW Kong talked about rotator cuff injury and prevention in the HK01 (10 June 2023). Please click here or "Download PDF" to view the full article (only the Chinese version is available).

For further enquiries or appointment booking, please get in touch with us at +852 2521 6830 or via our online form.

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